samedi 10 mars 2007

Revenue sources!

The main sources of revenue
To gain the low-cost leadership strategy the company implemented the following actions :1. Offering no commissions to travel agents (all the services are provided via internet)2. Eliminating meals during flights3. Savings in turnaround time (the key to profits is keeping planes in the air). EasyJet flies only short-haul routes and the company uses only one type of airkraft to minimise parts stock, training and maintenance costs – and to reduce downtime.4. Negociating low cost with new and existing airports5. Continuing implementation of more efficient technologies6. Obtaining profitable conditions of airbus leasing

Additional Revenue sources

From comissions

- Hotels and apartments revenues
- Car rental
- Lounges
- Easy pizza ( food)
- Airports parkings
- Easy bus
- Easy cruise
- Insurances


- More advertising from the partners
- Affiliation programs (credit cards, mobil operators)
- To create a community
- Business collaborations
- To do more partnerships
- To change the lifestyle of people
- To fidelize the customers with their services
- To create more connection like easy cinema and easy meetic.
- Easy video games
- Easy excursions
- Easy meetiq,
- Easy bet
- Easy fast food

Cross marketing

They create a community with their clients,
It’s a networking marketing, with the different product that they can offer.
Searching at all the opportunity that emerge on the market to provide to the community (Ex. Selling Easy Pizza in the Easy Cinema)

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